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XProtect Signature History (learn more about this table...)

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XProtect Signature Name Date Version Other Names
XProtect_MACOS_6175e25 05.01.2019 2103 OSX.AMCleaner
XProtect_MACOS_d1e06b8 04.19.2019 2102 TrojanSpy.MacOS.Winplyer
PE 04.19.2019 2102
XProtect_OSX_28a9883 03.13.2018 2099
XProtect_OSX_HMining_D 01.17.2018 2098 OSX_HMining_D
XProtect_OSX_Bundlore_D 01.17.2018 2098
XProtect_OSX_Particle_Smasher_A 11.30.2017 2097 OSX.Proton.D, Symantec Malware Detector
XProtect_OSX_HiddenLotus_A 11.30.2017 2097 OSX/OceanLotus
XProtect_OSX_Mughthesec_B 11.06.2017 2096
XProtect_AdLoad_B_2 11.06.2017 2096
XProtect_AdLoad_B_1 11.06.2017 2096 XProtect_AdLoad_B
OSX_HMining_D 9.29.2017 2095
OSX_ExtensionsInstaller_A 9.29.2017 2095
XProtect_OSX_Mughthesec_A 8.24.2017 2094 OSX/OperatorMac, Safe Finder
XProtect_OSX_AceInstaller_B 8.24.2017 2094 OSX/Genieo
XProtect_Genieo_G_1 8.24.2017 2094 OSX/InstallMac
XProtect_Bundlore_B 8.24.2017 2094 OSX/Buca
XProtect_AdLoad_B 8.24.2017 2094
XProtect_AdLoad_A 8.24.2017 2094
XProtect_OSX_Leverage_A 7.31.2017 2093 OSX/FlashyComposer
XProtect_OSX_Genieo_G 6.7.2017 2092 OSX/InstallMac
XProtect_OSX_ATG15_B 6.7.2017 2092 OSX/OceanLotus
XProtect_OSX_Proton_B 5.7.2017 2091
XProtect_OSX_Dok_B 4.29.2017 2090
XProtect_OSX_Dok_A 4.29.2017 2090
OSX_Genieo_F 4.29.2017 2090
OSX_Bundlore_A 4.29.2017 2090 OSX/Buca
OSX_Findzip_A 2.22.2017 2089 OSX/Patcher, OSX/FileCoder
OSX_XAgent_A 2.17.2017 2088 OSX/Komplex
OSX_Proton_A 2.17.2017 2088
OSX_iKitten_A 2.17.2017 2088 OSX/MacDownloader
OSX_HMining_C 2.17.2017 2088
HMiningB 11.16.2016 2086
NetwireA 9.17.2016 2082 OSX/NetWeirdRC
BundloreB 9.17.2016 2082
HMining_Binary_A 7.7.2016 2081
EleanorA 7.7.2016 2081
TroviProxyApp 3.24.2016 2077 OSX/Conduit, OSX/VSearch
InstallCoreA 3.24.2016 2077 OSX/FlashImitator, OSX/IronCore
HMining 3.24.2016 2077
GenieoE 3.24.2016 2077
BundloreA 3.24.2016 2077
KeRangerA 3.5.2016 2076
GenieoDropper 2.9.2016 2075
CrossRiderA 2.9.2016 2075
XcodeGhost 9.25.2015 2068
GenieoD 9.25.2015 2068
GenieoC 9.25.2015 2068
GenieoB 8.5.2015 2066
VindinstallerA 4.22.2015 2060 OSX/FkCodec-B
VSearchA 2.14.2015 2058 OSX/Downlight
OpinionSpyB 2.14.2015 2058 OSX/Spynion
InstallImitatorC 2.14.2015 2058 OSX/FlashImitator, OSX/InstallCore
InstallImitatorB 2.14.2015 2058 OSX/FlashImitator, OSX/InstallCore
InstallImitatorA 2.14.2015 2058 OSX/FlashImitator, OSX/InstallCore
GenieoA 2.14.2015 2058
MachookB 11.6.2014 2054 OSX/WireLurker
MachookA 11.6.2014 2054 OSX/WireLurker
IWormBC 10.5.2014 2050
IWormA 10.5.2014 2050
NetWeirdB 3.28.2014 2047
NetWeirdA 3.28.2014 2047
LaoShuA 3.13.2014 2046
GetShellA 3.13.2014 2046
FileStealB 3.13.2014 2046 OSX/KitM, OSX/HackBack
CoinThiefC 2.12.2014 2045
CoinThiefB 2.12.2014 2045
CoinThiefA 2.12.2014 2045
AbkA 2.12.2014 2045 AoBo Keylogger
PrxlA 10.8.2013 2043 Icefog
LeverageA 9.19.2013 2042
AdPluginB 3.2013 - OSX/VSearch, OSX/Zako
AdPluginA 3.2013 - OSX/Yontoo
SMSSendB 2.2013 -
SMSSendA 2.2013 -
RevirD 11.2012 - OSX/Imuler, OSX/Muxler
RevirC 9.2012 - OSX/Imuler, OSX/Muxler
MaControlA 6.2012 - OSX/Tibet, OSX/MacControl, OSX/MacKontrol
MDropperA 4.2012 - OSX/Sabpab, OSX/Sabpub, OSX/Olyx, OSX/MDropper, OSX/Lamadai, OSX/Lasyr
FkCodecA 4.2012 - OSX/Codec-M
FileStealA 1.2012 - OSX/KitM, OSX/HackBack
FlashbackB 11.29.2011 -
DevilRobberB 11.1.2011 - OSX/Miner-D
DevilRobberA 11.1.2011 - OSX/Miner-D
FlashbackC 10.2011 -
RevirB 9.2011 - OSX/Imuler, OSX/Muxler
RevirA 9.2011 - OSX/Imuler, OSX/Muxler
FlashbackA 9.2011 -
QHostWBA 8.11.2011 - OSX/HostMod-A
MacDefenderB 5.31.2011 - Mac Protector, Mac Guard, Mac Security, FakeAV-DWK, FakeAV-DWN, FakeAvDl-A
MacDefenderA 5.31.2011 - MacProtector, MacGuard, MacSecurity, OSX/FakeAV-DWK, OSX/FakeAV-DWN, OSX/FakeAvDl-A
OpinionSpyA 3.21.2011 - OSX/Spynion
HellRTS 6.15.2010 - OSX/Pinhead, OSX/HellRaiser
RSPlugA 8.28.2009 - OSX/DNSChanger, OSX/Puper
IServiceA 8.28.2009 - OSX/iWorkS-A, OSX/iWorkServ
Macho N/A -